Tanner Is Activated for Action Historic Tanner Chapel AME Church Pastor Thomas Tanner's Neighborhood Bible Study Upcoming Series Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Historic Tanner Chapel AME Church Pastor Thomas
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You never outgrow your need for God... we can help you meet that need!

                 2020 Local and Conference AMEC Meetings

  • Desert | Mountain Annual Conference - August 12th - 15th
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Historic Tanner's Music Department is an integral part of the worship experience during both our Sunday morning worship services, afternoon programs and concerts. Dr. Jerome K. Garrison Sr., Tanner's Minister of Music, and his support staff of musicians and directors and the 7 choirs, 3 praise teams, and 1 ensemble provide for Historic Tanner spirit-filled and spirit-led praise and worship through song and music to the honor and glory of God.

Tanner's Music Department is dynamic and its choirs and praise teams are sought out by the community at large. Several times a year our choirs are asked to bring their worship of song to various churches and community events.

The musicians of Tanner's Music Department are: Sandra Bassett, Julian Davis, Cassandra Frierson, James Galloway, Cheryl Garrison, Jerome Garrison Jr., Harold Hester, Ricky Richardson, Tamara Thomas, Brandon Thomas, and Rodger Wells.

For more information on how you can participate in Historic Tanner's Music Department, whether as a musician or choir member, please give us a call at (602) 253-8426. We are always looking for new members to join us!

Jewel Choir
Director - Tamara Thomas

Sanctuary Choir
Director - Dr. Jerome K. Garrison Sr.

Jubilee Choir
Director - Dr. Jerome K. Garrison Sr.

Tanner Ensemble
Director - Cassandra Frierson

Male Chorus
Director - Cassandra Frierson

Tanner Youth Choir - TYC
Director - Janet Parker

Men's Praise Team
Director - Dr. Jerome K. Garrison Sr.

Voices of Redemption Choir
Director - Casandra Frierson

Messengers for Christ Praise Team
Director - Janet Parker

Worshipers of Christ Praise Team
Director - Rev. Charlesetta Lee

New Song Choir
Director - Tamara Thomas




To stand up to any challenge, spend time on your knees.

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